No Energy

When I walked home from the station on Sunday after the workshop I had that “gone” feeling, no energy, I usually listen to the concert version of Hung up by Madonna as I walk, I can walk home in the 9 minutes the track takes to play, but Sunday I got through another 2 tracks before I go to the front door.

Last night this lethargy was still there, so rather than attempt a whole practice, knowing it wouldn’t happen I did Surya A & B and then did the seated postures. I wanted to do the postures that I know we probably will not do with C tonight at the Town Hall, such as Mari D, though despite getting a good twist my fingers did not come together. I experimented in Upavistha Konasana, 10 breaths trying to let gravity happen, rather than pulling on my feet. Also Badha Konasana just trying to let go, keep my back straight and aim beyond my toes. I again had a degree of control in Ubhaya Padangusthasana, once balancing on my butt, but I find this a hard one to get up and over in.

I then managed a short closing sequence. This practice was what I needed. Listening to the body, rather than just slogging through the practice has to be the way to go.

Back at Nepotism UK Ltd the backlash of the snow day is still going on. Comments still being made by those who came in have lead to the Commercial Director not talking to certain people, who are unhappy at being stitched up. This is set to run and run, we await some more of the white stuff.

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