A better Tuesday practice

As the rain hammered down I was considering not venturing out to the Town Hall, but that’s a slippery slope, so donned the raincoat and headed out.

Now nobody that I know of there, knows about my blog, but am wondering if C has cottoned on to it as last night we practised through to Prasarita Padottanasana A, via a good adjustment in Utita Padangusthasana. She then missed out a few until Utkatasana and the Virabadrasana sequence. I though here we go, she’s heading for second series, but I am glad to say I was wrong instead we actually did all the seated postures that I feared we would miss up to Supta Konasana including all the vinyasas, though a few were beginning to struggle. I managed Titibasana coming out of Supta K, but cannot manage to get my legs back to my knees, my weight is in the wrong place, I think this posture is definitlely one where it is more about technique than strength or flexibility. Mari A-C were good and I am again getting a good twist in D, but alas can’t quite get there, but my knee is happier lately, though my hip still seems to be “trapped”. Upavistha Konasana is a posture I could now do with spening more than 5 breaths in, its not the gasping struggle that it was a year ago and I am beginning to move forwards.

We did all the closing postures as well, which makes a change. For once I left the Town Hall feeling I had done a “practice” and not just exercised. Another soaking on the way home, oh for some sun and practice in a warm place.

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