All change

Well some things do, Kapotasana is where it is, but it’s fun trying, not expecting change in this lifetime, but I can dream about catching sight of my feet. It is easier at the shala where it’s much warmer and my body is more open. My dropbacks have become a bit hit and Miss, though I usually manage it and after assisted drops L was squashing me when there was a huge crack from my lower back, to which she said “that’s an £80 crack at the Osteopaths!”

What has changed is I finally did what I needed to with the part time job, it shows what happens when you make a decision and start trying to do something about it. I needed more hours, money, but I also needed a job that was nearer home and to work with people more my age. I saw such a job a few weeks ago, applied and forgot about it, as usually you never hear anything. But the very next day they asked me to have an interview and two days later they offered me the job and I started last week. Who knew a tiny town like this would have a company making seismic monitoring equipment and would need a part time stock controller. It’s much more my thing, 4 half days a week, Fridays off and Donuts on Thursdays, what’s not to like.

Easter in Boston, see you after the chocolate fest

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