The weekends gone again

Friday a good practice, its the start of the weekend and is the full stop on another week in that hole.

Saturday morning trip to town to use the broadband at the library, we were still unconnected. First  a treat, a visit to the Wellness place for a back, neck and shoulders massage. In my case mainly neck and definitley the shoulders, all that time over a keyboard and driving a mouse, all those vinyasas as well. The therapist was excellent I have to say, after warming my back up she worked deeper and deeper until the painful deep tissue areas behind my shoulder blades, deep breath in, breath out slowly as she pushed, I presume it was her elbow, then suddenly discomfort changed to realease as I felt the pop and spread of the muscles, it was a nice sensation.

I decided not to undo her good work by doing practice, instead home to find the phones are reconnected and I has been on from the Frozen North. Two hours on the phone, so much to talk about and maybe just maybe an escape route away from Nepotism UK Ltd. Saturday evening to a friends House warming party. Colleagues wife tells me he is on the edge with the place as much as me, needs a break or like me escape, something has to give soon as one or both of us will end up going under. I think we should quit together, our Boss knows what we do but bugger all about how we actually do it, they would be in so much crap, I would love to do it.

Sunday morning the whole Primary series, a practice with flow, but it still took me two hours including a nice Savasana, letting my opened shoulders sink into the floor. The standing sequence seems to go quickly now and seated up to the Janusirsasana’s, Mari A B & C are great but D is still not there. Last week my fingers got it together in D for those 3 quick breaths, now my arm wont stay round the knee and I cannot even touch fingers let alone grab or bind, what were the conditions last week that made D oh so close, why wont it happen again? Answers on a postcard!

Kurmasana and Supta Kurmasana were not great, but I was loathe to squash my shoulders, alas I cannot afford to have Cristina’s fingers release my shoulders every week, unlike Bali where it was done every day. Upavistha Konasana was not deep today, Ubaya Padangusthasana is getting there, Bum balance as its known.

Left out Setu Bandhasana again,  I know, I know, but didn’t want to upset my neck, did some walking down the wall and Ustrasana before doing Urdva Dhanurasana and the other closing postures, before Savasana I also did handstands and just for fun leg behind the head.

The weekend has gone again, I missed not going to practice, I miss the energy that a bunch of yogi’s practising together generates. Next weekend, whether it be Friday or Saturday my first priority will be to go to practice.

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