What’s happening

Practice is beginning to get frustrating. Last night after the standing postures, I decided not to annoy my shoulders with too many vinyasas. My frustration as you have probably guessed is with Mari D, I could do it last year.

After 3 months of a tight hip and painful knee, I have mobility back in both, which lets me do half lotus again. When I have my left leg in half lotus, I can get my arm around the knee but my damn left foot insists on sliding out. On the other side the foot also slides out and I just cannot get my arm to go around the knee. Using Superglue would be detrimental to the rest of the practice, so why wont my feet stay in half lotus and why wont my arm loop my leg. I know one asana does not make a practice, but my practice is in need of a little lift and doing Mari D is one that would do it.

Backbends were not that great, I lifted up, but lacked stability in the posture. Urdva Dhanurasana is another that was going well after Bali and is in danger of regressing to its pre Bali state.

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