Yahoo, it’s Friday at last

This has been a long week, I have regretted opening my eyes every morning knowing its “same shit different day” at Nepotism UK ltd.

Last night I took it easy just doing Surya’s and the seated postures, trying to coerce my anatomy into Mari D, there’s no change, almost, nearly, but not quite. Foot stays put but the right arm just will not get itself round the left knee.

So I woke up today knowing that at last the two precious hours in the, to be renamed, all new, “L” shaped room, are going to happen, Full counted primary series practice. The 2 hours of the week when I am engaged, enjoying what I am doing, coming back to life after a week of having the life sucked out of me by the arseholes who run this place.

Those damn trains had better be on time tonight to take me to deep south London. I am looking forward to seeing the new place, its said to be smaller, room for just 14 mats, so long as there is a corner for mine, I will be happy.

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