Wish I was not here-but on my mat

Last night had a reasonable practice, all the standing postures and up to Navasana. Mari D is maybe getting closer, thanks to advice received. Left leg lotus, foot stayed in place and had my fingers touching, but not bound for a couple of breaths. Right leg lotus, again foot stayed put, but I just cannot seem to get my arm to go around the left knee and back under, it wont happen. Then did Badha Konasana and Ubhaya, before doing a couple of Urdva Dhanurasanas. An hour and ahalf had gone by without me even realising.

I need my mat right now, the morons who run this place just moved the goal posts yet again, here we are with 4 working days of the month to go, the workshops guys hitting the priority list of stuff  we need, then what happens, they add a heap to the list and decide that half the stuff that was a priority yesterday is not today. Its no wonder that 90% of the inmates in this place are totally and utterly pissed off.

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