A flat day

After the joy and contentment of doing the counted practice last night, today seemed a bit flat, a wander into town, internet at the library, then home. I on the phone after lunch with news from the frozen north. Again mention of possible migration for me up there too. My legs, well thighs to be precise ache from last night, more from the running for trains than practice I feel.

Nothing for it but to get on my mat. Had just intended to try and stretch the aches out, but after some Surya Namaskars found myself half way through the standing sequence before I realised it. Was way over in Prasarita Padot C. Decided to carry on at this point, I went from stretching and breathing to a more committed practice. Did every asana and every vinyasa up to Navasana. Mari D is getting nearer but my foot went back to slipping out mode and my arm still cant get round the leg, but it was better than last nights attempt at least. After Navasana did the Badha Konasana, Upavistha Konasana and the seated balances before doing some warm up backbends down the door before laying down for Urdhva Dhanurasana, a couple of reasonable ones, well I thought they were ok, but they would not get a high score at the yoga olympics.

So 90 minutes later having intended to just stretch for a few minutes it was Savasana. There is no practice next Friday, due to a workshop, so rather than have nothing to look forward to I texted Cristina and booked another session of having my neck and shoulders removed from my ears, its not always relaxing, some of it is downright uncomfortable, but when she gets the back of my shoulders to release with the deep tissue pressure, its as wonderful as I imagine the feeling will be when I manage Mari D again.

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