Tuesday – The abyss

Yesterday was such an abysmal day that i really could have done with a much deeper practice than that of the Town Hall.Work was as bad as it gets, that my colleague and I were close to just walking out and telling the arseholes to get on with it. Usual story we do our best, despite the restrictions they stupidly employ, its not good enough so the MD’s daughter gets in a strop, stamps her feet and runs along the corridor to Daddy, who as usual does her bidding and comes to see us. Spoilt little brat needs to go out and work in the real world and get shouted at.

But though I felt crap I went to the Town Hall. Last weeks foray into second series having had the same effect as last time, ie we went from 12 or so down to 5 of us. The practice went through standing, actually allowed to do Parivrita Parsvakonasana with straight leg this week. Same with the Trikonasanas. Prasarita C is coming along, way over on my own and managed to come back up without pitching forward. Seated as far as Janusirsasana A, missed out B & C, then into Mari A & C, missing the two lotus postures, I find this so frustrating, I thought she was missing out Janu B & C to give us time for the Marichyasanas. Only 3 Navasanas, Baddha Konasana was interesting, my hips opened as C stood with her whole weight on my thighs. Managed to come up and over in Supta Konasana, think I could nail this one if I had the space to practice it at home, instead of just a couple of times each week in a class. A couple of decent backbends, I wish she would just leave me alone in this one, it works for me when I mentally go through the list Dena gave us, Inhale, Udiyana, Feel foot prints and go for it.

But some practice I guess is better than none, in such a bitty practice it is difficult to use yoga to leave the days events behind, if this had been the Counted practice on Friday I would have been “in it” and all the crap would go. Alas I went home and hit the sack at 8.45 having mentally given up on the day. I didnt even check my e-mail!

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