In an hour

I managed to do standing up to Utita Padangusthasana. But it was the seated postures I wanted to do. To save time on a weekday evening I only did vinyasa between postures and not sides. I have decided for the time being to go back to using a strap in Mari D, so that I at least have the feeling of binding and not stressing so much with this posture.

Furniture is a problem at home, Supta Konasana is impossible to come up and over from, which is why I now try and do Ubhaya and Urdva Mukha Paschimottanasana more often. I fail miseribly to come up with straight legs, but once there I can balance and stay.

My elbow has become painful for some unknown reason, so left off doing a proper Urdva Dhanurasana, instead did drop backs down the door.

Practice is beginning to take longer and longer, I seem to do less in 60 minutes than I used to, but maybe what I am doing, I am doing  better.

Tonight back to the Town Hall with C, at least I know she wont be dabbling in second series this week. Tuesdays are just to stretch and do postures, which is a world away from now what I expect of doing practice. Friday’s are practice.

Well thats wasted 20 minutes of another dreary day in the office, looking out at the pouring rain.

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