Second again

I went to the Town Hall early so that I could use the furniture free environment to do my handstands and Pincha Mayarasana. Also found that I could manage to come up and over in Supta Konasana.

We did all the standing, though C insisted we do a modified Parivrita Parsvakonasana, with the knee on the floor, rather than a straight leg. I like this posture and though I whole heartedly agree with offering a modified posture for those that cant, I think those who can should be able to do the proper asana.

Seated postures only up to Triang Mukha, then we dived off into second series, Krouchasana, bekasana, Ustrasana and Dhanurasana, before doing the closing postures. Urdva Dhanurasana was good, arms almost straight, not sure if it was a result of the previous postures or actually having my hands in the right place.

Savasana and home to do some of the postures we missed out. German yogi blogger had given me hints on how she does Mari D so wanted to try them out. Did the Janusirsasana’s to re-open my hip then did some good Mari’s A, B and a really open C. Followed her foot position advice for D and my lotus foot actually stayed put, but frustratingly I still cannot get my arm to go around the knee and stay there so I can bind, my twist is really good, but I lack stability while trying to get the arm around the knee and its usually at this point that the foot in lotus slides out. But I suppose at least my hip and knee don’t mind doing attempting it again, so there is hope.

I woke to the pouring rain this morning and the realisation of another day in this office, it saps my energy and my life, its like the place has a big black comic cloud hanging over it.

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