How important its become

I practised last night from 7.45-9.15pm, I could have been in my armchair watching the football during this time, but no I was on my mat ploughing through Primary, generating some heat, even managing Urdva Dhanurasana and a crappy Ardha Sirsasana. It’s a sign of how important practice has become that it now gets a higher priority than even football on a Tuesday evening. If I had sat in front of the TV no doubt I would have drunk 3 of 4 cups of tea, eaten a load of (wheat free) biscuits and some chocolate. Instead at 9.30 I had some juice and a handful of raisins. It seems to show for me at least, that the more active I am the more my body tends to make more healthy food choices without me consciously thinking about doing it. Though it could be an excuse to pig out on Thursday’s Moon day!

2 Responses to “How important its become”

  1. Liz W Says:

    I also find I naturally make healthier choices when I’m practising regularly.

  2. globie Says:

    Practice has far more reaching effects on my life than I ever imagined when I first set foot on a 6ft sticky mat all those years ago.

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