Denting the Floor

The private physiotherapy is almost over, it’s done it’s work in giving me back around 90% of my left shoulders range of motion. The strength is going to take a while longer. The last couple of weeks I’ve begun to feel it in my practice, primary feels (relatively) comfortable again for the first time in 18 months, I just need to find a bit more strength for the Bakhasana jump backs, but I can bind everything.

Strength is coming back in places, Bekhasana has gone from struggling to keep hold of the foot as Louise assists me to now being able to put downward pressure on the left foot as she lifts my chest. Urdva Dhanurasana on a dry surface I’m beginning to be able to walk my hands in, a combo or ROM and strength returning.

Dropbacks are still erratic, last week I crashed on my head, quite a bang, T next door stopped to see if I was conscious! This week I landed safely four times without denting the floor. At the Shala, in the heat and energy I’m a spent force by the time I get to backbends, so once I land I’m stuck, I can’t walk in and rock as I do at home, not to mention the saturated mat my hands are sliding on. I still live in hope of standing up by my Standupversary.

Philosophy group lunch

Our monthly Yoga Philosophy group got through another 10 sutras, this is taking a while, Patanjali may have written a sequel by the time we get to the end!

The local Shala is running a trial the next two weeks, 3 mornings of early morning Mysore to see if there is enough demand, my only concern is the temperature, nothing compares to AYL in this country and at 6:30am as autumn feels like heading towards winter yoga in thermals doesn’t appeal.

2 Responses to “Denting the Floor”

  1. Mike Evans Says:

    Oh go on: you’ll look right sexy in yer long-johns.
    I’m just trying to gain the momentum to rebuild a daily ashtanga practice. A reachable local shala would be a treat. To start with I’m sticking with my usual breakfast time group of asana and then meditation, and trying to get in a solid practice later in the day before seeing if I can move it to the pre-breakfast slot where it is at least protected from distractions.

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