Archive for February, 2007

Shows and Talks

February 3, 2007

On the train to the Destinations show in London. The journey passed quickly as I listened to the CD that came with my Madge Confessions tour dvd yesterday, a nice touch putting some of the concert on a CD so you can listen to it out and about, and for me a reminder of last years birthday. All I can say about the Destinations show is that I am glad I got a free ticket as I would certainly begrudge paying a tenner for that. The people on the stands did not seem interested, the girl on the Taiwan stand could hardly be bothered to tell me about the country, all I came away with was a brazillian mousemat and a few pens. Though I did talk to the folks at the travel mag I wrote some stuff for, to be given a free issue as my pictures of Japan are featured this month.

Well ended up with ages to kill so got the tube to the South Bank to have a picnic in the winter sunshine, before heading over Waterloo Bridge to Covent Garden. Travel club was packed out to hear talks on Bolivia and Sri Lanka, post tsunami. Then home to hot soup, practice would be nice, but I know the time is not there. I know some is better than none, but my body wants more than a few Surya Namaskars.

Points & Practice

February 2, 2007

Wednesday was not spent on a my mat, but on two pointless hours filling in online forms to try and emigrate away from this over taxed country. Unfortunately my points tally was not high enough and I am stuck in this place which must be due for regime change SOON, with all this governments corruption and snouts in the trough. Blair hanging by the neck from a lamp post in Parliament Square would do for a start and the rest of his cronies in Belmarsh, oh no I forgot there’s no more room in the jails.Thursday night I didn’t feel like practice, the realisation that I am stuck here for life has hit, knowing that the only joy I get apart from sleep are the two hours at the “L” shaped room on a Friday night. But I dragged myself onto my mat and did up to the posture after the Prasarita Padotanasana’s, whose name (Sorry Dena) escapes me as I sit here looking out the office window. Parsvakonasana isnt it?

My hips are a little looser and I managed up to Mari C, D may be possible soon, as I can get enough twist without my knee screaming. However I cannot seem to get my arm to stay locked around my knee, just when I think I am ready to go that extra couple of inches and try to bind it flies out. I have been asked if I want to do a workshop on hip opening next weekend, it may be a good idea, though this rely’s on there being trains into London.

Before closing I did some handstands, this makes me connect and be present, its not a posture you can do while thinking about what you are going to have for dinner, if you do, as I know from experience the IKEA book case is in mortal danger of getting flattened, again! 2 Urdva Dhanurasanas, but my arms wont go straight, oh well at least I practised.

It’s Friday and for the first time in ages I wont be running to catch a train to the “L” shaped room. There’s no counted practice tonight as they move to their new place, The Shala, or Sangam 2 as we will probably name it! Just hope Easter remembers to take her singing bowls. So I suppose I better practice at home, with all its possible distractions.


Home at 4.15 and onto my mat, I know its moon day, but feel so lost without having to head to the city, what else should I do with the time?

It was a good practice, everything up to an almost finger touching Mari D, that would of made my day. Then some handstands before the closing postures, I am getting further from the wall, but nearer the book cabinet! Closing to Savasana. I must have gone at quite a good pace today as all that and Savasana in 70 minutes. Full moon energy. My friend “Beetle” rang me from the frozen north after going outside seeing it was a full moon and rightly guessing that I would not be at the “L” shaped room. Good to hear from her.