Archive for April, 2022


April 20, 2022

I’m emerging after two plus weeks of barely getting out of bed. The medication has finished and my stomach is recovering. I’ve seen my stomach therapist, she’s a star and always helps me, I’ve had lymphatic massage to push out the crap. The blood tests showed nothing beyond, that I was very sick when they stuck the needle in. The chest X-ray was apparently “normal” despite the never ending cough.

My yoga friend Jayne even brought round some green juice, which I somehow managed to get down, we won’t mention the spoonful of sugar that I needed to help get it down. I have no doubt the two jars were full of nutrients and other stuff I’ve never heard of that have helped to get me going again.

So as my teacher said it’s a case of being patient and taking it slowly. I’ve gone from a couple of sunsalutes and basically collapsing on the mat to a very slow half primary. The good thing about barely having eaten for 2 weeks is that Marichy D is a piece of piss to bind! Urdva Dhanurasana may take a while, I tried pushing up the other day, just to see, and omg it felt like someone was trying to rip my ribs apart.

The one thing this episode has made me realise is, how vulnerable people can become who live alone, if I hadn’t been on the phone when I collapsed in the kitchen and the caller calling 999, what could of happened?. Also I was so sick I didn’t have the energy to engage with the outside world and ask for help. It’s only in the last week of getting out and seeing people again. People asking where I’ve been, why I haven’t been to yoga on a Friday in a while? When I explain they then say “you should have called”, but I don’t like to impinge on others or be a burden.

The Pox

April 6, 2022

Going to be a while before I’m back here.

The covid thing is real and still lingering, I knew it would take time and at one point I thought I was on the road to recovery,but 10 days ago I was having dizzy spells and a raging temperature, then a week last Monday I woke up covered head to toe in painful itchy spots, Chicken Pox! I never had it as a kid and thanks to my covid immuno compromised body I couldn’t stop it getting in.

They say things come in 3’s, mine have all begun with C

Chest infection


Chicken pox

I’d been to yoga and the AYL study group on the Sunday, having no idea I was contagious.

Last week was a nightmare culminating in me collapsed over the kitchen table and the Blood transfusion service, who just happened to be on the phone about my next donation, calling a 999 Paramedic. This turned out to be a good thing, the very insistent Paramedic basically threatening my GP that if they wouldn’t see me in person she was going blue lights to A&E with me.

Antibiotics and antivirals may be fixing the infection and virus but leave me sick and tired. Blood tests and chest X-ray to find out what’s going on.

I haven’t practiced since that Sunday, it may have been what tipped me over the edge, I’m thinking about starting again and had a chat with my teacher, the Shala feels impossible. Turns out she’s been talking to a physiotherapist dealing with covid issues, who has gone from advocating 15 minutes of exercise to just 5 minutes and taking things very very gradually . So L’s advice is to start with Surya A, take it very slowly, don’t be in a rush to come back, do that for a week then add Surya B.

Chicken pox has been far worse than covid, but I fear covids effects are going to be much longer lasting.