Archive for October, 2023

The time of No!

October 25, 2023

I am now in the time of post operative “NO”, which after having the two eye operations on consecutive Mondays means doing nothing that raises blood pressure or pressure in the eyes. No lifting, no bending down, no shopping, no garden stuff, and obviously no meaningful Ashtanga, oh and no flying, so I can’t even rest somewhere sunny and warmer than here, where it’s turned bloody cold and wet.

The surgeries went ok, I’m just left with a right eye that feels gritty and a left eye that feels sticky and needs coaxing open every morning with careful use of warm water, then it’s just the 4 times a day eye drops, my strike rate isn’t good on my own, sometimes it takes 3 attempts to get one in, any friends who visit get the honour of trying to score a bullseye, as they can see what I can’t.

It’s been a weird year, the highlight was dancing with Florence and 20,000 Paddies on a wet night in Belfast, the rest of the year has seen pneumonia, two jobs go through no fault of mine and two totally unexpected operations.

I’m now a stir crazy Ashtangi with excellent distance vision, but relying on a pair of cheapo ASDA reading glasses until the surgery follow up and sign off 6 weeks post op, when I can see the optician. Weirdly I’m allowed to donate blood in the interim but not go to the Dentist, no idea!

I can’t wait to return to the shala, though what my body will make of that is another matter.